Our French lead is Mrs A Fletcher.
French Intent, Implementation and Impact
Our aim is to deliver a high-quality Modern Foreign Languages education with a focus on French. We hope to engage children in language learning using a variety of approaches that inspire the children to use the language first, before learning to write it. We want our children to become confident language learners through using games, projects, songs, stories and creative sessions alongside more traditional language methods. Through this approach, we also take the opportunity to look at cultural similarities and differences and intend for our children to appreciate the traditions and characteristics of cultures around the world.
French is taught during PPA time with a designated French teacher. With a view to further embedding the use of language across the school, we also encourage children to use French around the school and try to incorporate simple classroom phrases and admin tasks in French during every school day.
Structure of the lessons:
Each lesson begins with an opportunity to rehearse general greetings in French. This builds across the key stage as the children become more familiar with the language and are able to ask and answer a wider variety of questions. The main focus or learning intention for the lesson then follows, with a variety of tasks that scaffold or support children’s learning. Year 3 and 4 first learn to use the language through speech, games and songs, with a little focus on simple recording. Year 5 and 6 continue this but also use more formal written recording, progressing on to understanding simple grammar and sentence structure.
We use both incidental and planned opportunities to develop children’s awareness and appreciation of different cultures. This may be a simple discussion around an aspect they have learnt, for example, how a particular religious festival is celebrated, or through a purposely planned unit of work. We regularly discuss the use of languages within a country and how many different languages can permeate elements of English.
The children at Heatherside Junior School are confident, inquisitive language learners. They are keen to understand the roots of French (and other modern foreign languages) and will ask questions to clarify their understanding of what they are learning. They also frequently make comparisons between French and other languages. Children can often be heard trying to use French around the school, for example when ordering their meal choices for lunchtime or greeting their teacher in the morning. EAL children are encouraged to use their first language to develop their understanding and those who currently attend the school are really enthusiastic about sharing their home language with their peers.