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Contacting us - Concerns or complaints

We are very proud of the excellent partnerships that we build with our families and are always open to feedback and to listening to any concerns.  We believe that the best way to address any concerns or worries is through a genuine 'open door' approach and we actively encourage parents to contact us directly, either with a phone call, email or on the playground before or after school.

Mrs Dunn and other members of staff have a high visible presence and are eager to be able to address any small concerns or worries so that the school is quickly able to work with parents and families to resolve these. 

Social media provides helpful networks for parents and ours is a very well-connected community; however we always urge parents to share any concerns with the school in the first instance.  

If your concern relates to a safeguarding issue, please contact one of the school's Designated Safeguarding Leads or refer to our policies and procedures on the Safeguarding page of the website.