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Understanding how to read and spell words is a key aspect of learning and we approach the teaching of spelling, vocabulary and phonics through a variety of ways.

Children are taught using the Spelling Shed scheme which includes all the required patterns and rules from the National Curriculum. The spelling programme includes five main components: understanding the principles underpinning word construction (phonemic, morphemic and etymological); recognising how (and how far) these principles apply to each word in order to learn to spell words; practising and assessing spelling; applying spelling strategies and proofreading.

Teachers refer to the spelling pattern during writing opportunities where appropriate, ensuring children have plenty of opportunities to embed their learning and to regularly apply this in context. Teachers check children progress using a range of strategies: low steaks regular quizzing, formal end of unit tests, standardised NFER spelling tests and evidence in their writing. 

At home we encourage children to practise the spelling rules and patterns that we are learning in school by completing the optional spelling homework activities posted on DB Primary. Below is the spelling overview for each year group where you can see the pattern or rule your child is learning and the words they will focus on each week.  Click on the picture to take you to the link!

Spelling Word Built from Scrabble Tiles Clipart
Year 3 Spelling Overview 


Dumm / Spelling Lists
Year 4 Spelling Overview
Essential Word Lists – Spelling | Room 12 Arahoe
 Year 5 Spelling Overview 


                                            SPELLING WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS - CLICK HERE FOR THE SLIDES


Top ten ways to learn a spelling!

1. Break it into sounds (d-i-a-r-y) Break it into syllables (re-mem-ber)

2. Help your child to use a dictionary and thesaurus.

3. Break it into root words and affixes (un-necess-ary)

4. Use a mnemonic (necessary – one collar and two sleeves)

5. Use your knowledge of word roots (two is a number like twelve and twenty)

6. Use word families (would, could, should)

7. See words within words (friend til the end)

8. Use spelling rules (writing, written)

9. By sight - learn the shape of the word – look, cover, remember (eyes closed and visualise!), write, check (does it help to write the tricky part in a different colour?)

10. By movement – get used to writing the word with your finger, with a pen, in the air, on the keyboard